Our expertise is in measuring character. We use that information to help organizations minimize selection risk and accelerate the development of those who are chosen. We utilize best practices in Talent Acquisition and Management to ensure that those who are selected have the capacity to model the values, attributes and behaviors the team desires.
Predictive Analytics
The quantification of character minimizes draft day risk by identifying players with both the talent and the character to have a successful career. Our Assessment Process described in the following section as well as the Managing Draft Day Risk Flyer explain the depth and breadth of the information available for our predictive profiles and coaching reports.
Our Risk Attribute Index will help identify players with tendencies toward irresponsible behavior, poor decision making or issues with structure and authority figures.
•Managing Draft Day Risk – Click for more Info.
Player Development
Once a player understands the how and why of their actions, they can begin to address the issues that may short circuit their success.
-Accelerating Player Development – Click for more info.
The more we know about a person, the better we are at predicting how they will respond to different situations. The better a person understands themselves, the better able they are to manage the issues that short circuit their success. CoreFive uses research based assessments to measure five key areas that relate to superior performance. Our reports describe the respondent within the context of five specific sciences.
Behaviors describe how we do things, our communication preferences, the value and contributions we bring to the team, our ideal environment and possible limitations we may face.
Driving Forces define what sparks movement and ambition in each of us as well as the things that impact our decision making. They can be referred to as the aspects of life that we are passionate about, things that we perceive as important, or the thoughts that provide us with purpose and direction in life.
Acumen identifies how we think, how we filter information and the clarity with which we interpret our experiences.
Competencies, our personal skills, identify how closely an individual's level of development matches with those needed for the particular role.
Emotional Intelligence is our ability to sense, understand and regulate our emotions. It's what allows to us think before acting. It provides the discipline to make the right choices, do the hard yards, to perform our best when it matters most and our ability to effectively interact with others.
Selection Modeling
CoreFive provides expertise in selection modelling that provides quantitative data for athlete selection and development. Through our assessment based model, we work with sports teams, agents and organizations to create a framework of values, attributes and behaviors that is unique to your program.
Athlete Profiling
Our assessments generate a multi-dimensional view of the respondent that creates their own unique profile. The respondent's profile can be compared to the organization's requirements to see how well they match or compared to the profiles of other respondents. This Coaching Reports provide both the coach and athlete with the tools they need to optimize their performance.
Personal Development for Athletes & Coaches
Self Awareness is a key variable in the performance equation. Athletes and Coaches who take our assessments are provided with a Coaching Report and debriefing session that provides the level of self-awareness they need to develop their emotional intelligence and understand how their behavior, driving forces, personal competencies and acumen impact their performance and results.
Leadership Development
Leadership is a key proponent of any athletic program's success. We use a quantitative approach towards both individual leadership identification, as well as team leadership dynamics to ensure your organization has the best leadership group possible. We can cater our leadership development approach to supplement your teams needs. Please contact for more information